At Bygrove we find it unhelpful to think of inclusion in terms of the few. Nor is it just about the many. Inclusion is about belonging and as such involves everyone, every single one. Pupils, staff, parents & governors feel like Bygrove is their school, like they belong here & that’s why we’re successful.
We encourage and support everyone in our school community – visitors, partners and friends of the school to take an active part in school life. We are committed to helping our pupils overcome any barriers to learning that they may have and have a member of staff designated to organising support for pupils with learning difficulties. The school building is fully accessible for pupils with physical disabilities. If pupils are having problems managing their behaviour they have access to a wide range of support in school.
We believe strongly in equality and provide help in classes for pupils who are learning English as an additional language. Parents are encouraged to participate in every aspect of school life and are encouraged as learners through workshops and other learning opportunities we provide for them.

2024: IQM Flagship School title retained
I am delighted to inform you that we have received our Inclusion Quality Mark report & Bygrove continues to be a Flagship School for inclusion. This is a testament to the hard work & dedication of the staff and our fantastic community of families.
Excerpt from report:
“The school’s dedication to fostering an inclusive, supportive and high-achieving
environment is exemplary. The school continues to move from strength to strength in
terms of its superb inclusive practice and I am firmly of the opinion that the school fully
meets the standard required by the Inclusion Quality Mark to maintain its status as a
Flagship School.”
IQM provides nationally recognised validation of inclusive practice and commitment to educational inclusion in schools.

2023: IQM Flagship School title retained
We are delighted to announce that Bygrove School has retained the IQM Flagship Status again this year.
Excerpt from report:
“The staff at Bygrove feel like a family and know their children. There is not one expert but a team of collaborators which supports everyone’s wellbeing. This is a school that has inclusion in its DNA. Staff care passionately about all of the children progress, and they are this school’s greatest asset.”
IQM provides nationally recognised validation of inclusive practice and commitment to educational inclusion in schools.

2022: IQM Flagship School title retained
We are delighted to announce that Bygrove School continues to be one of just 100 schools to have retained the IQM Flagship Status this year. IQM provides nationally recognised validation of inclusive practice and commitment to educational inclusion in schools.

2021: IQM Flagship School title retained
We are delighted to announce that Bygrove School is one of just 100 schools to have retained the IQM Flagship Status this year. IQM provides nationally recognised validation of inclusive practice and commitment to educational inclusion in schools.
2019: IQM Flagship School Award
Congratulations to Bygrove School and the whole school community for the Inclusion Quality Mark Flagship School Award.

2022: IQM Flagship School title retained
We are delighted to announce that Bygrove School continues to be one of just 100 schools to have retained the IQM Flagship Status this year. IQM provides nationally recognised validation of inclusive practice and commitment to educational inclusion in schools.

2021: IQM Flagship School title retained
We are delighted to announce that Bygrove School is one of just 100 schools to have retained the IQM Flagship Status this year. IQM provides nationally recognised validation of inclusive practice and commitment to educational inclusion in schools.
2019: IQM Flagship School Award
Congratulations to Bygrove School and the whole school community for the Inclusion Quality Mark Flagship School Award.