Children at Bygrove love coming to school so our attendance is high – every year, we celebrate scores of children who haven’t missed a single day of schooling!
They love coming to school because of:
- the strength of their relationships with staff & peers
- our exciting, engaging & relevant curriculum
- our teachers’ deep understanding of what great teaching & learning looks like
- our high expectations. We set the target of:

Attendance is key to every pupil’s success at school. Quite simply, if you don’t come to school regularly and on time, you are not going to be able to make the most of the rich curriculum experiences that we offer you.
Our aim is to promote high attendance so that our pupils achieve well at school. Regular attendance is also crucial for making friends and developing good relationships with school adults.
We are committed to:
- ensuring every pupil has access to full-time education to which they are entitled
- promoting good attendance and reducing absence, in particular persistent absence
- acting early to address patterns of absence
- supporting parents to perform their legal duty of ensuring their children of compulsory school age attend regularly
Any family whose child’s attendance falls below 90% will be asked to come into school to discuss the reasons for the poor attendance with the express aim of getting children into school more regularly. Persistent absentees risk being fined by the local authority.